20 Businesses You Can Start From Home


Welcome to the new world—the post pandemic world. In this new normal, there are some jobs and businesses that will be irrelevant. And there are new businesses that will spring up. These businesses will also create jobs that are slightly different from the ones you know. Visionaries and intelligent entrepreneurs are not only peeping into what is to be; they are reinventing their businesses and also creating new businesses (and jobs too) that will be relevant in post COVID19. This bullet book captures and will expose you to the businesses you can start from your home without breaking the bank. You can either choose to be well positioned or be part of the fall out. The choice is yours. 

Editor’s Pick

Successful CEOs read 52 books in a year. You shouldn’t do less if you want to be successful like them. Rummage through what we call the BusinessIQ Africa Bullet Books precisely tailored to meet your entrepreneurship needs, and the beautiful thing you can read them in an hour or less. Start with the Editor’ s pick.

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