5 Ways to Stay Rich

Every individual—and business too—has it peak and low moments. But when the down time is becoming consistent and you are constantly broke, then something is wrong somewhere. There is nothing wrong with down time, even the economy of a nation once in a while suffers recession, depression or whatever you call it. But strategies are quickly put in place to revive such economy. Once you hit the rock bottom, the only way to go is up. So you need to quickly put together strategies of how to keep money coming back and staying with you always. Here are the things to do when you are broke.

5 Ways to Stay Rich
By BusinessIQ Africa Team

Published August 4th. 2020

Increase your capacity: when it seems you are constantly broke, you need to learn something new. What you knew and applied brought you thus far. What you need to break into the new phase of your life or business, is to learn something higher than what you already know. It may be time for you to attend trainings, workshops, seminars and conferences. It may be time for you to read new books focusing on special areas like management, unconventional marketing, sales, customer service, investment and finance. All these will help you increase your capacity.

Grow your network: the next thing to do is to grow your network. As you attend different trainings, seminars, workshops, conferences and social events, be deliberate about networking with people. Do some professional or executive programs where you can network with the top executives in your study group. Increase the number of quality people in your network. Don’t just meet this people; fix meetings with them to see how you can do business with them. You are as strong as your network. Also, you are as rich as the people in your circle of friends and associates.

Create other sources of income: at this point, you may need to create other sources of income. You may need to invest in some investments that can generate passive income. You may need to create an off shoot from your already existing business or product. Focus on creating something that can make money for you while you are sleeping. Look inward also. What are the skills you possess that you can monetize? If you are an expert in your industry, you can start getting speaking engagements. You can organize trainings for those who are fresh in the industry. You can write books that will focus on your area of specialization. Do something to create other sources of income.

Reposition your brand: sometimes, you may need to look at your brand and then do a total makeover. You may need to be innovative and find new ways of dazzling your customers. You may need to re-access your marketing and your customer service. Rework your brand or your business and then reposition it before your buying customers. I always say this: customers are like toddlers, they get bored easily. If you notice yours are bored, find ways to get their attention. Find a way to make them restless around your brand.  

Automate the entire process: Money won’t automatically start coming when you do what I have mentioned above just once. You have to do them over and over again until you start seeing results; until you start seeing money flowing in your direction. Even when the money starts coming, don’t stop doing what is bringing the money. If you don’t, you will never be broke again.  

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